Saturday, March 13, 2010

You don’ know what you got till you want it gone

Getting rid of your stuff is not as easy as one might think. I never thought I would be attached to all of this stuff but I am finding that letting go of it is hard. In so many ways going through all of the things in this house is making me look at what is really important to me and how much I really need. We started with books and after clearing 4 bookcases I whittled my book collection down to 3 boxes sending the rest to be donated to the local library and what they would not take were recycled. There is so much china and glassware and it’s hard to believe how much of it I have. I am packing away a lot of it hoping the girls will use it and enjoy it. I almost wish there were other nieces or nephews to offer it to but that is not the case.

I am finding it difficult to stay on my timeline which means I have to work harder or faster. I’m not sure which at this point. Bringing the house up to show level means a fresh coat of paint and some repairs and its necessary to schedule them now which means picking a real estate agent and staging the house and getting rid of large pieces of furniture that only makes the rooms look smaller. So far the piano has been posted to craigs list and once I get the china out of the breakfront the dining room set will be going the same way. I’m hoping to reduce my belongings to 1 storage unit.

My business clothes for the most part are being donated to an organization that helps women get back into the workforce and so I know that they are going to a good cause and that I won’t be using them while I’m on the road nor do I see the point in holding on to them when they may be helpful to others.

At times I wonder what my new life will feel like. Will I have a sense of loss over all that I’m giving up or will it be a feeling of relief to not have to care for all this crap.

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